Trip to Zealand Falls

Just getting back from a great trip to the AMC Zealand Falls hut. The trip included a visit to Zea Cliff, which offered gorgeous views of the valley and a hike up Mt. Hale (4055′ elevation). Here is a panoramic shot of the view from Zea Cliff:


We went with hopes of being amazed by the colors of the fall New England foliage. The colors were gorgeous, but will probably peak in the next week or so. What really interested us was the micro-life found in ferns and other tiny plumage.


Some connected ponds of the Woonasquatucket watershed

Last night, I ventured out to see if I could canoe from Georgiaville Pond, to Capron Pond, to Stillwater Pond, finally to Stillwater Reservoir.

It looks like a great idea on the map but what the map shows as thinner streams are not boat-able. In between Georgiaville and Capron is a rocky stream and a waterfall. The north end of Capron pond is composed of 6″ water depth, 3′ mud and 4′ of weeds.

In short, it cannot be passed with a reasonable level of effort.